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After years of research for ways to unify CyberCafes in terms of network connectivity; Mineski Solutions finally finds a way to connect all CyberCafes as though they are only one!!! and it is to be Launched Soon!

What…??? As one???
Yes! You are right, all cyber cafes can now be “linked-up” together with the Mineski-Link Network.

What do you mean by linked???
Linked Cybercafes will have the benefit of a bigger network scale exceeding the limits of their own boundaries by being connected to Linked Cyber Cafes all over the Philippines.

What is the difference of being linked???
Linked Cybercafes will be having a bigger network, making even the smallest Cybercafe feel like it has thousands of PC’s. In addition to that, It doesn’t only have massive LAN game amount in it but it also “FEELS” like you are playing on “LAN” Being Linked-Up does not only mean that you can see more “DotA”; but General “LAN” games are applicable as well.

WTF??? is this for real??
This is a sample screenshot of a fully established link:

Imagine the number of LAN games that can be played…

Stop wasting your time waiting for games!!! The Moment you sit down, LETS RAK!!!
With this technology nearing its launch date… New opportunities not only arise for CyberCafe Owners but also for Gamers themselves.

Posted by kiben Saturday

1 Responses to Mineski Link: Unity Among CyberCafes in the Philippines

  1. Sir any download link for 6.72?



    Yurnero can use blade fury while in lothars, cast blade fury first..